Stacey Waite is a poet, educator, and scholar originally from Long Island, New York. Earning a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing in 2002 and a PhD in Composition and Rhetoric from the University of Pittsburgh in 2011, Waite is now Associate Professor and Graduate Chair in the English Department at the University of Nebraska—Lincoln. Waite has published four collections of poems: Choke (winner of the 2004 Frank O'Hara Prize in Poetry), Love Poem to Androgyny (winner of the 2006 Main Street Rag Chapbook Competition), the lake has no saint (winner of the 2008 Snowbound Prize in Poetry) and Butch Geography (Tupelo Press, 2013). Waite’s most recent scholarly book, Teaching Queer, was published with the University of Pittsburgh Press in May of 2017. Waite’s books are taught at over fifty colleges and universities in Creative Writing, Composition, and Gender Studies programs.
Waite has offered teaching and writing workshops, lectures, and diversity trainings in gender multiplicity and support for queer youth in local high schools and colleges all over the country. Also the editor of Ways of Reading, a composition textbook, Waite is an accomplished scholar of composition, pedagogy, and community writing. Recent essays have appeared in Literacy in Composition Studies, Peitho, and College Composition and Communication.
Waite is also a Senior Poetry Editor for Tupelo Quarterly. Waite’s scholarship is also widely reviewed, most recently in Rhetoric Society Quarterly, College English, and Literacy in Composition Studies.